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Eng KCB Kerabu Bihun Set

Kerabu Bihun Set Kerabu Bihun + Rempah Baked Chicken + sambal +Ikan Susu Kering+acar awar 娘惹干捞米粉 配套 米粉Q彈,味道酸甜微辣,吉子香茅姜花干椰丝及香料把攪拌後的米粉,口口不一樣香料的香氣承托出來~ 娘惹干捞米粉+香料烤鸡腿+sambal+百度鱼+娘惹腌菜Acar NON-HALAL
RM 21.00   
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Eng Kor Cha Bi

Eng Kor Cha Bi - It is one of the representatives of Fujian and Nanyang food in Penang. It combines and localizes the authentic taste to create the taste of traditional Nanyang and Fujian food. The main concept is to embody the spirit and culture of our ancestors who traveled to Nanyang through hard work, diligence and thrift through food, and promote Penang’s classic Nanyang cuisine to re-present the taste that has been lost or remembered. Shu Ting is the fourth generation inheritor of Nanyang Fujian Pastries in Penang. Her grandmother started making pastries for a living in 1939. In 1972, her grandfather passed away and her burden increased. In order to raise her five grandchildren The two generations of my grandma and grandma were small wholesalers of pastries, pushing small carts to sell them in bazaar. It was only in this generation that there was retail marketing. The pastries that focus on heritage include: Penang’s only specialty rice cake (Moey Tay, pronounced in Fujian) is a snack that doesn’t waste rice. Add the remaining minced rice, seasonings, dried shrimps and peanuts and deep-fry it to make a delicious afternoon tea, simple and delicious turtle The faulty pastry in the 1960s was mainly because the leaves were hard to find and could not be made. I have been listening to my father’s narration for many years, and many years later I made the “lost” pastry using my father’s recipe. seasonal food Grass rice dumplings, meat rice dumplings, doll cakes, Nine Emperor Gods vegetarian food, New Year cakes There will be different seasonal representative foods in every season, just like the almighty parents (the third generation) will have big productions in every season~ Salty Rice•Soup Rice•Nasi Ulam•Kerabu Bihun The meals that appear at home, share dad’s good cooking skills. When I was young, my family was of average means, and I usually cooked everything in one pot to feed and clothe the whole family. What often appears is Tangchenmi (noodle porridge) Maybe we are not the most delicious, but we bring you the taste of "home" and "love". Eat delicious food and care about your family. Comfort food 荣古早味 是槟城福建南洋食品代表之一,把道地的口味结合并本土化,南洋福建传统家的味道 主要的理念通过食品把祖先过南洋刻苦耐劳,勤俭的精神及文化体现,帶动槟城南洋的經典美食,把遗失或记忆里的味道再呈现 淑婷,是槟城南洋福建糕点第四代传人,姥姥在1939开始制作糕点为生,并在1972年因为爷爷过世,姥姥的担子加重,为了把5为孙子养大 姥姥及奶奶那两代都是小型批发糕点,推着小车去巴杀叫卖,来到了这一代才有门市市场推广 主打传承的糕点有: 槟城唯一专卖的米揲糕(糜爹,Moey Tay福建读音),一种不浪费米饭的小吃。 把剩下的糜,加上佐料,虾米花生,炸一炸,变成好吃的下午茶,简单美味 乌草龟 60年代断层的糕点,主要是叶子难寻,无法制作。 一直听爸爸叙述多年,多年后把爸爸的食谱制作出“遗失”的糕点 季节食品 草啊粿,肉粽,公仔饼,九皇爷斋季素食,年饼 什么季节都会有不同季节代表作食品,就像有万能的爸爸妈妈(第三代)什么季节就有大制作~ 咸饭•汤称糜•Nasi Ulam•Kerabu Bihun 家里出现的饭菜,把爸爸的好手艺分享。小时,家境一般,通常都是一锅熟,温饱全家。经常出现的就是 汤称糜(面线粥) 或许我们不是最好吃,但我们把“家” “爱” 的味道带给您,吃着美味,心系家 Comfort food


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